Saturday, June 22, 2013

Captain's Daughter and Movie Trivia

If you can't tell, I absolutely love all of the games I post. I am extremely picky about the games I will use. Last summer, I had an internship where I had to lead about 3 activities a day with boys and girls from ages 5-12 (the age groups where split up thankfully). I read about 5 books and only found 40 activities that I liked. Since then, I have had classes and learned about leadership and activities. I was very selective in class as well. Thankfully, I have found more activities I like.
Anyways, movie trivia is a game I have truly loved! I have played it with family and friends alike. It always brings out great laughs and fun memories. Captain's daughter is similar to Chicken in the Hen House that I posted the other day. The only difference is that people are not paired of. It also gives different motions to use.

Captain's Daughter
Have one person be the "caller." Everyone else is walking around talking with each other. The caller stands in front of everyone and calls out commands. The different commands are:
  • Mermaid - the person stands upright with their hand on their hip, and the other waving in the air while shaking their hips
  • Buoy - two people join arms back to back and bobble up and down
  • Captain's Daughter - one person grabs another person and holds them in their arms

  • Dog in a Dog House - one person bends over in an arc while the other pretends to be a dog inside of the doghouse 
  • Chicken in a Hen House - one stands on all fours, while the other kneels flailing their arms like a chicken
  • __ in a canoe (can be 2, 3, 4, etc.) - the # of people sit in a line one in front of the other, rowing a canoe

  • Hit the Deck - fall flat on the floor
  • Walk the Plank - run and touch the wall
The last person to carry out the command or not fit into the canoe is out and becomes a judge. The last person standing wins! 

Movie Trivia
Divide players into equal teams. Give each player an equal number of small, blank papers i.e. 3 or 4. Each player writes a different movie on each piece of paper. Fold the papers in half and put them all in one bowl.
During round one, a player from team one gets up and draws a piece of paper. The player can use any actions and words (except for words in the title) to give clues. Once the movie is guessed by someone on their team, the player draws another piece of paper and so on until his/her 45 seconds is up. After the player from team one is done, a player from team two steps up and draws a piece of paper. He/she uses words and actions to have people on the team guess what movie it is and so on until all of the pieces of paper have been used. Then the players start round two. It is the same as round one except players can only use one word and actions to get teammates to guess the movies. Once the pieces of paper are used again, round three starts. During this round, players can only use actions to have teammates guess the movies.
Twist: Instead of only writing movies, players could write actors/actresses, movie quotes, tv shows, etc.

For Captain's Daughter, do a few practice rounds so everyone can get the hang of the different calls. Elimination games such as this are a great segway into refreshments after a few rounds.

Life Lessons
Movie Trivia teaches people how to act quickly on their feet and problem solve when others are not understanding them. It also helps practice memory during round  two and three. They learn more about communication and how people communicate differently. This is extremely important because learning that everyone communicates differently (and their way works) is a wonderful lesson for life so they can work with others. 
Captain's Daughter is a fun one to play that teaches participants to be alert and move quickly. 

For Captain's Daughter, you will not need any supplies. For Movie Trivia, you will need:
  • 3 to 4 slips of paper per participant
  • 1 pen for each participant (or have some share)
Please comment below on how you would use it with your population, thoughts on how it has worked for you, advice for others on how to implement it, what you would process and so on! We'd love to hear about it!

Here are a few links to ideas on how to lead activities better:

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